1. Delhi
  2. Bharthal Chowk (Bharthal Road) bus stop

Bharthal Chowk (Bharthal Road) bus stop, Delhi

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Routes details at Bharthal Chowk (Bharthal Road) bus stop, Delhi

SNORoute name/numberStarts from Ends atTotal Stops
1743 ABharthal Village (Shyam Mandir)The Uppal Hotel36

Nearest transit stops

Stop NameStop typeDistance Appx.Routes Through
Bharthal Chowk (Bharthal Road)Bus 17.791 mtrs743 A STL- Dichau Kalan Depot [to] Deenpur Village
743 A- Lajpat Nagar (Ring Road) [to] Mohammadpur Village
Dwarka Sec 21 Crossing Bharthal ChowkBus 37.294 mtrs850LTD- Kendriya Terminal [to] Bapu Dham
Dwarka Sec 21 Crossing Bharthal ChowkBus 112.10 mtrs850LTD- Ghuman Hera Village [to] Khera More / Ghuman Hera Crossing
Keshav Kunj / Pochan Pur CrossingBus 423.74 mtrs743 A- Lajpat Nagar (Ring Road) [to] Mohammadpur Village
Keshav Kunj / Pochan Pur CrossingBus 445.75 mtrs743 A- Bharthal Village (Shyam Mandir) [to] The Uppal Hotel
Dwarka Sec-21 CrossingBus 646.23 mtrs743 A- Lajpat Nagar (Ring Road) [to] Mohammadpur Village
743 STL- Dichau Kalan Depot [to] Deenpur Village
743- Lajpat Nagar (Ring Road) [to] Mohammadpur Village

Delhi transit routes

Delhi Metro Routes
Delhi Bus Routes
Delhi Sub-urban rail Routes